I thought Blade was gone....... but he's back.
Dear Diary,
The most bizarre thing in the whole world happened to me today. I was at Blade's funeral when Deena Fear walked in. The funeral was going normal like a funeral should until Deena walked up to the open coffin and started chanting some words. A second later, Blade arose. He wasn't dead anymore. He pointed at me. But then he fell back down. He was dead again.
A week later I was sitting at the dining table and eating a bowl of cereal. Then on the news, I saw, " BOY ESCAPES FROM COFFIN." I called Deena and she said the only thing I could do was kill him again. So this is why, a few weeks later, I am so glad Deena gave me that advice.
If you want to know some of the parts I skipped then read the book, "R.L Stine's, The Dead Boyfriend.